Boost battery Life of your Android Smartphone by Useful Tips

Sarvagya Jaiswal
4 min readJul 1, 2021


Instructions to support battery life on Android phones: Smartphone innovation has enhanced a few fronts over the previous decade, from quicker and more productive processors to higher goal screens. Nonetheless, one part of cell phone innovation has not had the option to keep up — battery life. While cell phone battery charging has become significantly quicker, slimmer telephone plans and more brilliant screens mean lithium-particle batteries on most gadgets are basically not huge enough and clients wind up confronting battery issues. In this way, here is our how-to manual for help you support battery life on your Android Smartphone.

More effective phone processors have to some degree helped the battery life issues on Android gadgets, while a few producers basically settle on a lot bigger battery nowadays . In any case, examines have shown that individuals are currently clutching their telephones for any longer than previously — this makes saving battery life substantially more basic on more seasoned gadgets.

Here is the manner by which to support battery life on Android cell phones:

1) Control your screen Brightness

Probably the greatest offender with regards to battery channel on Android telephones is the screen. You can begin by setting the brilliance to change consequently. The auto brilliance mode on Android Pie (9.0) or more can gain from your use, so continue to set the splendor a little lower to save splendor.

2) Use Adaptive battery or battery Optimization Function

Since the time Android Marshmallow (6.0) Google has been adding approaches to all the more likely control battery life on the working framework. This includes impeding applications from running battery-serious assignments behind the scenes, which was worked on over the most recent few years with late updates. On the off chance that you need to expand your battery life, you can check your settings to guarantee that Adaptive Battery or Battery Optimization is turned on.

3) Reduce your screen break

Most cell phones are set to kill the screen following one little while. While this sounds like a short measure of time, lessening your screen break to 30 seconds will assist with saving more battery power. You can likewise confine applications with high battery use from running behind the scenes to save extra battery life.

4) Delete unused records from your phone.

In the event that you are endorsed in to different records on your Android cell phone, you can rapidly lose a great deal of battery life as each record synchronizes information from the web, including contacts, email, photographs and then some. Eliminating pointless records will assist with diminishing the measure of information utilized on your cell phone also. On the off chance that you would prefer not to eliminate these records, you can consider debilitating auto-sync for them as another option.

5) Stop utilizing ‘battery saver’ applications

Numerous engineers on the Play Store offer fake applications that guarantee a ‘scam’ arrangement — that doesn’t really save any battery life. A considerable lot of these applications are basically “task-executioner” applications or “Smash more clean” applications. They will kill all your experience applications — which implies every one of those applications will basically get woken up again by Android sooner or later and utilize much more force simultaneously.

Originally published at on July 1, 2021.

